Our CEO’s Open Letter To Those In The Lovedesh Hall Of Horrors


ALL PRESS ENQUIRIES : media@lovedesh.com

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Published Sunday 5th September 2021 – 11.36am BST


Re #JusticeForYasmin, Lovedesh 10+ Files & Our Claim For Damages



This is an open letter to those featured in The Lovedesh Hall Of Horrors. And you would have been sent this so you can watch it.  Just bear in mind this letter is about 22 pages.  So without further ado – let us get started.  All press enquiries- media@lovedesh.com

My name is Yasmin Choudhury.

I am the Chief Executive of Lovedesh®️. A British luxury brand. On a mission to protect people and planet.

I  really hope I stay alive after sharing this. 🙁

For over 10 plus years, I have been piloting part solutions to global poverty, sweatshops, fast fashion and climate change.  As well as some of the other bigger problems facing 21st Century society today. Such as climate change, VAWG (Violence Against Women & Girls). By exploring the root causes of poverty both in the UK and Bangladesh, with my little daughter by my side – she was seven when she first started.


Am I one of the most mistreated bullied women in the world? Some might say yes.  Judging by the way I have been treated.

It is also what some of my doctors and therapists have often told me – as they battle the array of harm done to my mental and physical health, at the hands of others.

I am now writing and speaking formally about the #JusticeForYasmin.

It’s a social media campaign born out of frustration, after a series of damages and attacks on the human rights and anti-poverty work, I, a woman of colour, of Bangladeshi & Muslim heritage, have been undertaking, all alone, within the arena of social impact. And international development.

And to I want to now  introduce you to The Lovedesh Hall of Horrors.  It’s the first of many chapters in the book, a memoir called Lovedesh 10+ Files.  Of my time as a lone British mother trying to deliver good.  And the highs, lows and ugly moments of it all.  As well as all the other many other Halls – where you can view the collections of names and organisations and individuals, who either made life hell or heaven or toxic for me.

This post – this video – is a verbal letter of complaint.  To all the individuals and organisations listed in the Hall of Horrors – who are some of the worst I have ever come across. And they needed to be revealed, on the International Day Of Charity, so that the world can see how much damage many do to those of us working to help others in need.

We want every single organisation and individual in the Hall of Horrors, to put right all the wrong and damage done, to our human rights and climate change work.

And to compensate many of the world’s poorest who have since died.  Whom I sincerely believe would’ve benefited from Lovedesh’s success. But today did not live – to see its success.

It is their deaths that made me realise and propell me, into knowing I had to do something – without fear or favour – to bring to the world’s attention just how corrupt and perhaps grasping, many of the famous names and organisations have become.

As well as my own blood family.

Some are better or worse than others. But all of them share one thing in common: they did not do the right thing. In fact, they did a lot of damage.

I would also like to formally state that my daughter Amber Choudhury-Kaye is not to be involved nor dragged into this matter. As she is not involved in any way.

Also please do excuse the length.  Or, if I am found to be repeating myself.   But while I am a CEO, I also am very proud to share I have an invisible disability: Complex PTSD – Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Caused and done to me because of all the trauma I’ve been through at the hands of others.

It has taken me a while to sort out my thought processes.  I also use voice activation to write much of The Lovedesh 10+ Files. And therefore please bear with me if there’s any grammatical errors.

This complaint is also jointly sent by Lovedesh Rana Plaza Victims’s Group (LRPVG)- with their blessing. Especially to ensure the direct voices of garment workers, past present of Bangladesh and victims and relatives of those who were killed, in Rana Plaza, are heard by the world.

More about them in due course but as a quick reminder – their sad tragic lives are some of the most horrendous I’ve ever heard in my lifetime. Not just as a mother – but as a businesswoman.

Yet many with great power and privilege have caused them and me to suffer.  Me, an innocent woman. A single mother as I keep saying.

To find I am having to be here speaking truth to power. Even though I have been so ill. So ill from all of this is so upsetting.

We are now urgently seeking damages and/or restitution from every single one of you named in the Lovedesh Hall of Horrors.  Which is an online listing of who, what, as well as when – including evidence attached – of the harm you did.  Because there are receipts you left behind.  Such was the sheer arrogance of your entitled conduct.

I worked often alone.

And to have been reaching to all of you, over and over – single handedly, politely asking you all to please stop and not harm the vulnerable, in my opinion is not ok.  But I must continue to do so.  As I refuse to stay silent on the unspeakable conduct and choices that many of you in the Hall of Horrors have undertaken.

Regrettably – this letter/address is of course now published in the public domain. You and the organisations you lead or represent, will also have been sent this link – as you are now featured in the Lovedesh Hall of Horrors.

And journalists have been sent this link as well.

It has also been released to all social media accounts run by Lovedesh.

Hall of Horrors

Many of you may or may not remember me.

But I remember each of you because you chose to ignore the concerns I raised.

Or ignored me when I came to you privately.

Some of you even mocked me, when I asked for help and you did nothing.

Or blocked me on social media accounts.   Even after I presented evidence in private, of how you, your organisations were found to have trampled over Lovedesh®️, the social enterprise I had created. Funded solely from my own pocket.  My savings. On a shoestring. As a single working mother.

And that is why you or your organisation or your name, is in the Hall of Horrors.

This list is on the Lovedesh website (written below)– and due to be updated as it has  its own page on the Lovedesh website. Alongside each of your names will appear, a  short video – showing all the evidence and details of the dispute or harm we have experienced.  Which to date has been kept private by me, until recently. Til now.

And why each of you need, and are invited to compensate Lovedesh and me for the damage done. I would add, we have already published the story about Red Carpet Green Dress. Suzy Cameron and The Oscars. But we will come to that later.


I want the world to learn of the damage sustained by Lovedesh and its community of vulnerable beneficiaries.  The world’s poorest of the poorest – whom you trampled over, bullied or erased.

The harm done by you and your organisations to me, my innocent daughter, my projects and the poorest folks I work with, breaks my heart. I want to show the world evidence of the terrible and tragic travesty of justice.

One that needs to be solved. As all the people who suffered and missed out on being helped – because of your actions are listed in here – Lovedesh Hall Of Happiness.

These are the human faces and stories the world needs to remember.  For each of you need to look at – to understand the ramifications of the choices each of you made.

I also reveal the numerous legal threats I have had to fend off, all alone, from some of the biggest names in the world – all because I did the right thing.

Yes – Suzy Cameron of Red Carpet Green Dress.

I find you to be a bully, greedy, horrendous and you should never be allowed anywhere near fashion campaigning. Nor the Oscars.

Hollywood celebrities have no idea of how horrible you have been and it is not ok you show two faces.

It is terrible what you did, to use threats of defamation to silence me, a human rights campaigner, who reported wrongdoing to you and to Fairwear Foundation, a major global fashion campaign organisation, about a dodgy campaigner, you chose to work with – even after we alerted you that they had hurt the Memorial event held for Rana Plaza victims in 2020.

See the event we did online below.

Yet you still chose to put the life of a child, Jannat a little girl aged 6 – at risk.    By depriving her and her family of funds needed to get medical treatment. And now we are going to ask you pay, for this family’s relocation to UK for medical and educational bills.

And then when I wrote to Academy Awards Office – they ghosted us.   After we wrote and complained about your disgraceful horrendous conduct. And you being a vegan – who claims to want to protect the world!

The Academy Awards stayed silent – after I sent them evidence of your bullying.

Here it is.

First published in December 2020 then an update on 24 April 2021.

They all allowed you to mix with all of Hollywood.  Because I expect money, sponsorship was involved? To find Hollywood elders trampling over brown garment workers – is racist, classist and deeply offensive.

Do we think that is ok? No.  Do we think it is ok for any of you to continue and pretend what you did – never really happened? Or that you get to hide and run away from the bad you did. No.

I found evidence of you hiding behind your Black British CEO – Samata Pattinson. She was so weird she even sent emails to third parties about me – who had nothing to do with me and was herself violating GDPR, international data breaches.  For example she sent a nasty malicious email to my web developer in Kenya.  And when I naturally queries where such emails had come from,  got no reply.  “Did they hack in your computer Yasmin” is what some said to me.

As for the horrendous  British Asian solicitor Shuba Nath your hired – who also joined in, to attempt to gag me – both of whom are shameful. She sent me what some might call a “threatening” pdf on my whats app. So entitled so greedy for fees.

I am looking forward to their apology or lawsuits.  Either will suit. But I hope they wake up and feel ashamed of getting involved in hurting the Rana Plaza victims.

I feel sorry for both of these women of colour. And happy to train them so they can be free of such vicious and underhand tactics.  Where they think someone like you is doing them a favour.  You are not.

Both of these women and their mindset need to be free of the “rot of coloniolisation breadcrumbing” (a term I use to describe brown and black women who are the Crab & Goyle of the Harry Potter World) – that white liberal women use to control and coerce us women of colour.

At play here are deep white power dynamics – eg money, status and access to Hollywood contacts.  The very credentials they sought to take them into areas of global fashion and entertainment arena you Suzy must know, are to this day closed to black and brown people. And why they conducted themselves so disgracefully.


But the sheer intensity of what I suffered at your hands – was nothing compared to also trying to help rescue and save Jannat.  A little girl.  Victim of Rana Plaza parents. And how you hurt and damaged their daughter’s wellbeing.

So when you or any of you attempt to sue me – remember they will step forward as my witnesses – as it is they too who are so upset with you too.


I was also at the same time, having to handle trolls and many more disgraceful individuals and organisations – intent on blindly pursuing greed and social status.  To destroy, derail and damage Lovedesh’s work. This includes copius amounts of men and women – often in UK, who identify as “Muslim”, trolling me.  Knowing I have an invisible disability – and taking screen recording from a live stream.  Where I was discussing how my own British blood brother Naz Choudhury controlled my money, had stolen my inheritance, my father’s assets and destroyed my projects out of spite – in 2015. Leaving me homeless.

Here are some examples.


At some point we need to talk about the rise of the toxic brown men and women of in the UK Bangladeshi heritage.   I know this type well -as that is how my own blood family behave.

Here is a London based woman called Sara, a MUA (British Make Up Artist), a mother in her 40s- known as Ami2Old on TikTok – who I privately helped.  Even met up with her, as she complained of being a survivor of domestic abuse.  She told me she was in such hardship.  Despite many red flags – having been a survivor myself – I began to assist her.  Help her.


But once a mutual contact came to me in private, to complain this woman was bullying her, Sara ghosted me, after I wrote to her for an explanation.  I left it alone.  But, then  I was told had began to slander me.  In public on tiktok behind my back, which I had no idea about until good souls sent me clips.

If you think that is bad – wait until you see Sara’s latest live stream –  mocking the Lovedesh T shirt as “shit” – and the work being done for the poorest.

Prior to that.  I got verbally attacked by some British Bangladeshi lads in Bradfrod.  And a petition I even tried to get signed – but so exhausted am I from all of you – I hardly got anywhere.

Here they are.

I have been doxxed.  One of whom shared my h0me address and telephone number. As well as being slandered, sexually harassed, threatened and discriminated against.  So much so,  I lived out of a suitcase for three weeks on advice of Met Police – during my birthday in May 2021.  My Lovedesh in tatters.

I also have a stalker. Obsessed with dating me.  Making fake account after account.  Slandering me. Which the Met Police are currently investigating. While I also had a fake police officer call me.

It has taken me 10 years to recover, having suffered from the stress. The anxiety, chest pains and left with an invisible disability, that was NOT caused by me but DONE to me.

I have had to find the courage to fight back and now here I am.  Asking you ALL to “do the right thing”. To confess and own up to what you did to Lovedesh. And how you treated Rana Plaza victims.   And to urge you – be kind.  As I cannot bear any more controversy and hardship.  Christmas is coming – we can do better.  You have to.


I am asking that each of the names in the Hall of Horrors responds to the published set of recommendations, to put right the wrong done to Lovedesh. And to note that we are also giving each of you, a fair right of reply.  We are more than happy to publish your reply.  For the world to read – in case there has been any misunderstanding or explanation that is missing that can explain why you hurt the interests of the world’s poorest in the way that you did.


I hope you reply?


For now, Phase 1 is being addressed to those who have done the most damage. Are the most influential or perhaps wealthiest and powerful in fashion, banking and politics – who should have known better.


The others will soon have all the details published over the coming weeks.  Including my own blood family- who have been the most horrendous of you all.  Because if my own can behave this way – of course it was only a matter of time for me to understand that many more would follow.


My first key target is all those in the fashion campaigning sector.  As London Fashion Week 2021 starts on Friday 16 September. Before then, Lovedesh seeks urgent resolution with those in the fashion sector who hurt us.  If Malala can be brought over to UK in an emergency – so can the Rana Plaza victims.  Amazing what the world can do when we all join hands. The only difference is that it is not the Taliban here who hurt the world’s poorest – attempting to educate their kids and recover from a life of tragedy.  It Is big foreign rich companies and individuals – middle-class white women mainly. Who have wreaked so much havoc.


This year the annual LibDem Autumn Conference starts on 17th-20th September.  And I and the victims of Rana Plaza – expect and hope to address its members – who need to investigate what some of their Party elders have done. And why they lie to and cheat the British public.


The Federal Party Of Liberal Democrats – a political party in UK who in 2018, chose to sack me, when I was an employee of theirs at HQ.  Why? I had the lone courage to whistleblow on race and anti-disabled conduct within HQ and amongst senior Party members.  Only two Party members helped me  – the rest – ignored me.  Ran away.  Stayed silent,  Or worst still whispered in corridors about me. I was cut off. I was left crying and sleepless.

Yet today the very Party members (mostly white liberal women who claim to care about human rights) who knew, saw and were made aware, including the two brown Muslim women I told – continue to enjoy their ascent to power. Councillor Hina Bokhari of Merton and Councillor Huma Humaira Ali of Southwark.

Knowing they hurt and damaged an innocent working mother’s life.  Is that ok? No.

I eventually had to take the LibDems to employment court to protect my income and reputation, after none of the Party elders or members (except for the two I mentioned) who helped stand by me. As well as my amazing retired business mentor – a white elderly man.

Not one of their most famous MPs helped – yes Ms Jo Swinson – when I spoke distressed down the phone to you, you went quiet on me.

Yet Ms Swinson.  I was broke, I was a single mother.  You could have helped – you could have – but no – you focused instead on your bid to be Prime Minister.  And failed. When you lost – I whipped in joy. As you are someone alongside others like Rt Hon Sarah Olney – who should not be MPs.

Seeing that I had no funds to fight the legal battle, I had to settle out of court for around £20,000. Of course, they would – as the British judge ordered a five-day public hearing.  This money was used to kickstart the Lovedesh Tee. This pot of money was sunk into Lovedesh – and enabled me to fly out and meet the Rana Plaza victims in April 2019.


All of which is documented and recorded and has been published to Lovedesh YouTube account.    This political party then reneged on the promise made to me in the non-disclosure agreement and despite writing and asking them to honour the promises made – they did not. In 2019 – no surprise – they were at it again.  Another poor employee came to ask me for help in an employment tribunal case I helped them to settle out of court. As this poor individual was extremely distressed and had no money nor stamina to fight them all alone.


I am also asking the British bank Barclays to pay significant damages.  This horrendous former employer – then my personal and later business bank has behaved so irresponsibly and greedily.  It’s senior executives chose to shut down Lovedesh business bank account for no good reason – without even telling me.  Even after I reported unethical conduct of one of their staff – as well as failures negligence and poor service.  As well as the Bank Of Ireland.  Who took my own money – and then charged me non-stop and failed to protect me as a disabled client – yet when I attempted to access my money in Bangladesh in 2015 – I was left hungry and had nowhere to go.


We also go as far as asking and inviting the world, to boycott, suspend or at least to voice concerns about the evidence I present, surrounding each of your unethical conduct.  Until you resolve the bad deeds done to Lovedesh.




Each of you chose not to solve this privately.  Even though you were invited to.


We now have a duty to whistleblow and alert other organisations and individuals from working with you.   Because you did the most damage and while you have been a problem – you could also are a part of the solution.  Should you wish to take up the invitation I am sending this message.





Lovedesh is a British not-for-profit luxury brand.


On a mission to protect people and planet.

The world’s first and only fashion brand endorsed by garment workers of Bangladesh, rural villagers and disabled rickshaw drivers. And blessed and in collaboration with victims, survivors and relatives of those killed, when the Rana Plaza Factory collapsed – killing 1,136 – garment workers.


The 1,136 is very, very significant – we will come to that in a bit.


What is Lovedesh®️?

To help hammer home what or who Lovedesh is – or what we do…?


Imagine Oxfam crossed with…. say…. Gucci…. Or Chanel.  Yes – an award-winning luxury brand – that really does donate ALL profits for good.  Just to boost the incomes of those in the supply chain.  And to give consumers an alternative shopping experience – specifically, that puts people, planet first – then profit – in that order.


We are the 21st century Robin Hood – who take from the rich to give to the oppressed and the poor.  We do not steal.  We simply create jobs in UK and globally, use profits and then pass it down to the poorest.


While everyone else is busy ripping off the public, lining their own pockets – Lovedesh is the only safe haven for consumers, workers – to know that everything done, is done to protect people and planet.


I also mentioned I am supported by and collaborate with survivors, victims and relatives of the dead, who died in the fourth largest industrial collapse – Rana Plaza.  Some of whom whose bodies have never ever been found.


Since 2010, every penny received has been put back into the work being done for people and planet.  We also plan to pilot the idea of Universal Basic Income – as well as boost the wages of those in the supply chain (garment workers, weavers, embroiderers).   Lovedesh is attempting to pay as many as possible in our direct supply chain London Living Wages.  And I, as its chief executive have committed to taking London living wage in the first year.  A profit share and donation model is how I plan to distribute wealth.


Despite many setbacks, attempts to sabotage Lovedesh (most notably in 2015 by my own blood family in UK, Bangladesh and USA – many of whom are educated professionals), who destroyed my projects, threatened our volunteers, trashed our office, charity projects, thanks to “Gandalf and a dedicated army of personal and professional mentors, many from charities, as well as for-profit organisations, I began to resurrect Lovedesh again in 2019. By creating the Lovedesh Tee.

The world’s first and kindest T-shirt in the world.  100% organic cotton. Our first sample was made by women in a work owned factory in Bangladesh.  In 2019.

I created this fashion merch for Lovedesh, so it could be the world’s first-ever and only sweatshop-free fashion brand. To help garment workers, rural villagers of Bangladesh, disabled, impoverished talented in Global South and nations in Africa. Look at how proud the folks were in Bangladesh to step forward and support it. And why the price and even the dates and times often refer to the numerals in 1136 – the number who died in Rana Plaza.


Rural Villagers & The Lovedesh Tee


I am also the founder of the following organisations.

S|He Stands – a charity for those impacted by THAWBD – Trauma, Harassment, Abuse, Whistleblowing, Bullying, Discrimination.

Amcariza Foundation – grants for poor talented folk in Bangladesh

Hate 2 Love Collective – not for profit global theatre for the poorest


Lovedesh Rana Plaza Victims Group

You and your organisation hurt me, you hurt Lovedesh and our projects. Worst of all? You denied and deprived Rana Plaza Victims.  And hurt my own daughter – who has spent the past few years as a minor and now an adult woman having to take care of me. Or having to use her meagre student loan to help support Lovedesh while also working without wages to ensure we kept it afloat during the pandemic.


First.  Here is a private video called “Ordinary Voices” to explain who Rana Plaza are. A private video I did.




And here is a video of the evidence of the array of folks I spent 10+ years self-funding – and mentoring. And how my lovely daughter Amber spent her 18th birthday party – working to help me create a sustainable ethical fashion range.  All for no pay.


Short film –  Lovedesh Behind The Scenes with workers of Bangladesh

(33 mins)





While I may have been incredibly naive in thinking all of you would have supported me and Lovedesh, I had no idea it would be this bad,  I really had no idea that your conduct would reach to stooping so low – you would hurt the world’s poorest.   I now realise the severity and extent of damage done by so many, is testimony to my resilience. And the over arching belief I have had that the power of the good work that has been done…. will be enough. But it was not.  Because doing good work required me to be in good health, fit and having access to resources.  All of which has been depleted because of your choices to attack and/or hurt Lovedesh.  And to understand the disappointment that I feel, that you chose not to be part of this. But worst of all – worked to derail or erase our work.

I am and have been a single working mother for 20 years. I lost my successful; City career just because I chose to have a child.  The minute I dropped a child – it was almost as if I became untouchable.

As a single mother – desperate to put food on the table – I was exploited and often used.  By some of the biggest and richest organisations.  The then CEO of Monster UK,  who refused me annual leave and forced me to work when I had no childcare in Xmas 2009 – leaving Amber then 8 alone in Sainsbury’s with the amazing Scouts and later stripping me of my ability to work from home every Friday just so I could get to pick her up without her having to go to after school club).

Then came along Airbnb who sacked me because they changed my work pattern and insisted I suddenly work at weekends.  The only time I had with my daughter – as she was in full time school.   I wonder what you Brian Chesky will do when you have kids?  And no I don’t care about breaking the NDA – sue me.  Because it is time the world found out how tech entrepreneurs make their money – on the blood sweat and tears of desperate mothers.

You see I got myself a backbone and made sure I fought every dodgy employer who thought they could treat working mothers like crap.  Not just for me – but for the next one who might come along. After this non stop horror show I began to look at the issues of poverty.

How even I, a woman who went to University, worked for some of the biggest names IBM, Disney had ended up in hardship.  You see Amber’s father had also abandoned all financial and emotional care of his own daughter to me.  Of course when I rang up asking why no maintenance payment had been halted in 2006 – I was told there was nothing they could do as he had become self-employed and showed no income. I nice little loophole.  Funny enough I believe he took redundancy and when I called up the then CSA asking whether they can get a slice of this, the answer came back “No – sorry we can only touch earning working income”.  And so the British taxpayer was forced to step in and help raise my daughter  via working tax credits – while I became more and more agitated and in debt.

I wanted to give back. I wanted solutions. Not just for me.  But for the poorest.

So I became a small business owner to escape the horror of how Corporates behave towards working mothers.

I worked and worked. Saved and saved.  I sacrificed family holidays, time with my only child. Whose banker father had abandoned ALL financial and emotional care to me.  It was gruelling for me to solve some of the biggest solutions facing our planet today.  As well as boost the incomes of the poorest in Bangladesh and in UK. Based on fulfilling the dream of my late father Al-Haj Abdul Muquith Choudhury.  Here is the backstory. While also working my fingers to the bone at dodgy big profitable companies who treated single working mothers like dirt. Yes Airbnb, Monster.


Yet to no avail.  As the damage done to me, a social impact start up were all unwarranted and specifically designed to hurt me as a human rights campaigner.  I know because I wrote and told you about it. You chose to ignore me, ghost me or attack me.


Yet for over 10 years, I have been at the mercy of the most horrendous, greedy, unethical conduct from some of the biggest and most experienced “experts” in all sectors. Who has sought to undermine me, bully me, cheat and steal from me, my work and Lovedesh.


Meanwhile, across the seven seas and many oceans, I began to observe how my Rana Plaza victims suffered colonialist, imperialistic conduct, mired with a white saviour complex, defrauded, cheated, betrayed.  Especially by the array of fashion campaigners in UK, Europe and USA e.g. Laudes Foundation, Fairwear Foundation, Fashion Revolution, Remake Our World, Clean Clothes Campaign. On and on they bleated about change. Using posters of brown garment workers.

But behind it all were white privileged, many women – making money from their trauma.  I began to wonder more when one Bangladeshi factory owner remarked how “Accord is rubbish – how dare they come in to our country and tell us how to improve standards when all they need to do is pay us more so we can pay workers more – after all the workers are the very engine that keeps our families fed”.

I myself have experienced structural racism.  Observed Classisism. Notice how we rarely see Northern or working class whites positions of power as well.

Been slandered or just ghosted.  By many organisations.  As well as abused, attacked, trolled and persecuted for being an empowered female brown Muslim business leader.  The hatred and insults from my own family and members of my own community – as well as the disputes with all of you – have often made me bedridden.  Exhausted and ill.

Don’t believe me? Go have a look at my TikTok – much of my videos are done lying down.


A quick look at Accord – the international safety system that fashion campaigning sector is obsessed by – to help guarantee fair treatment of garment workers. This by the way – apparently has no legal validity in Bangladesh.  Nor is it clear if and how they protect whistleblowers.  Not many Bangladeshi stakeholder  or garment workers involved.  Oh yes – they have chapters and unions signed up – but the real action is led by white foreign campaigners and trade unionists- running and controlling the agenda. Why nobody has thought to ask brands to pass on profits or %age share to supply chains is beyond me.


You see Global South’s trauma or refugee trauma is often a signal for cash signs in the eyes of charities and campaigners.  Money is to be made. And it is easier taking money from the good souls in Western hemisphere feeling guilty about fast fashion – than anyone asking questions – could it be that they are all blindly following the Pied Piper? Where does the money go? How do they get paid?

I used to watch from afar how before May 2020 – not many non white were invited to the  fashion campaigning table – then suddenly after George Flloyd – all that changed.  And we saw brown and black names popping up more frequently.


Even the British High Commission in Dhaka, Bangladesh under the leadership of Robert Chatterton Dickson stuck his oar in.   He and his wife – who stole my fashion event idea.   His wife was incredibly racist and colonialist towards me in a private one to one meeting. Fashion is supplied by Bangladesh but somehow how Rana Plaza victims have become untouchable in the eyes of foreigners.


Can we imagine ever a day when victims of say American school gun massacres, would be replaced by black campaigners from say nations in Africa – who speak and campaign on their behalf? Or that victims of the terrorist attack in Ariana Grande’s Manchester Concert had people in Bangladesh speaking up for them. Showing pictures of their dead? That would never happen.  Look at the way Ariana treated the victims and relatives of those who were killed with grace and dignity.


Yet time and time again the real life Rana Plaza victims are erased.

Every April 24 as the anniversary of the tragedy approaches – it sees so many disgraceful fashion campaigners climb on board to raise funds and remind the fashion consumers “Never again” – Yet at no point has anyone – until Lovedesh came along – thought to involve the victims. To give them voice, platform and power.  Or to even hold a remembrance event for them outside of Bangladesh. What a disgrace – and yes I am looking at your Orsola Di Castro, Laudes Foundation, Remake Our World, Common Objective and Red Carpet Green Dress – many of you were invited but you dismissed the work Lovedesh has been doing with Rana Plaza voices.

And so now me and the Rana Plaza victims seek significant damages or assistance.  And now present a series of requests we are asking of you. And also plan to write to all funders to ask that they halt donating money,  As this is not in the interest of Rana Plaza victims who wish to take control of campaign funds regarding any event that mentions their trauma or name,


And.  Just in case there is lashback.  Here is a shorter Lovedesh Rana Plaza Victim Group’s Message LRPVG to those who hurt me, Lovedesh and the work I was doing to assist them.  And what they have to say about their experiences at the hands of you and your organisation.



Here is the longer story – of how they gathered – with food and refreshments paid for by Lovedesh.  To discuss how they regain their narrative, their joy at a t shirt made to honour and remember their co-workers who died.  And the anger they showed of how their trauma has been financially exploited – while many remain disabled, sick, hungry, jobless and in poverty.

They have also vowed that should any harm come to me or my sudden death – (as I have been warned by good souls, that exposing famous names or organisations could get me killed). I really hope it does not come to that.

We are instead inviting you to put right the damage done. As we want to move on.

And for those who will now rush and scramble to bleat, “it was not me” or point fingers at others, it is all too little too late.  Your transgression began the moment you knew – yet did nothing about it.  My father taught me this – “All it takes for evil to flourish if for good people to do nothing”.


Or as Bishop Desmond Tutu said “If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality.”


Doing nothing and turning a blind eye is how Hitler killed Jewish people.  Doing nothing and turning a blind eye is how genocide and corruption flourishes – with the aim of killing all that is good in humanity.  We need to stop it.





Here is a list In Lovedesh Hall Of Happiness – of all those in need, whom I was helping or in talks with – who were impacted by your actions. Reminder that when you get upset – I speak for those who are voiceless. Who were not helped.


Everything will now be played out publicly because you have lost their right for their unethical actions to be kept private.  We would remind that anyone who is critical or feels uncomfortable about having to read this, to put themselves in the positions of either myself or the Rana Plaza. victims. We did nothing wrong. We were just trying to make things better not just for the planet but for millions of workers in the fast fashion sector.  And I will not apologise nor will I back down in helping to platform, promote and protect the interests of the poorest who until now, have rarely been involved in charity and activist campaigns – due to the structural privilege enjoyed by many who have come from a privileged background.

We don’t operate smoke and mirrors.


I possess evidence and it is not a crime, to tell the truth. But asked that various judiciary is considered and scrutinise vexatious and spurious defamation claims, often bought by rich claimants in an attempt to bully and intimidate whistle-blowers and human rights defenders.


Evidence has been uploaded onto the Lovedesh website as part of The Lovedesh 10+ Files.




Today, in 2021, Lovedesh is seeking significant damages for you and your organisation’s role in hurting the human rights and anti-poverty work undertaken to help assist the poorest communities it serves. And that you investigate the individuals who harmed me and the world’s poorest.


The compensation amount can be paid to our crowd funder below. So the public can see the evidence.  https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/justiceforyasmin


You and/or your organisations have also been entered into the Lovedesh 10+ Files which features the Hall of Horrors.


This is a personal memoir I am writing, that stretches across the decades, which details the horrific and horrendous treatment I experienced – as I began to build Lovedesh.  But I am trying to ensure, that the chapter which will detail my interaction with your organisations and the individuals named here, will be written kinder, than any of you ever were to me.


These damages and suggestions are warranted, for one or more of the following categories.


Who did what and the story on each of you – is listed on the website.  And will have a video accompanying it.  As well as evidence.



Be it sexually harassing or sexually assaulting me.  As well as physical and verbal abuse.



Depriving the world’s poorest in Bangladesh  – some of whom have since died. Or remain disabled and in need.  Please see Lovedesh Hall of Happiness – the array of diverse talent we have been working with – to transform their lives.



Destroying Jannat’s chances to be treated for kidney issues in 2020 by Great Ormond Street Hospital in London for medical treatment. She was aged 5, and a child of mother and father Rana Plaza Victims, whose own blood aunt died aged 13 – in the collapse. Whose body was never found.


Also, the destruction of the Amcariza and Lovedesh Field projects in 2015



Infringing Lovedesh’s Moral Rights by ripping off my idea – basically theft of IP.



Erasing the work done by me, a woman of colour, a single mother.



Turning a blind eye or refusing to get involved.



Knowingly destroying the current and future income of Lovedesh.  Of my career and the wellbeing of our beneficiaries.


– BULLYING & GASLIGHTING – Issuing legal threats.  Or slandering me, my name.

Refusing to attend Rana Plaza Victims memorial event. Yet raising funds using their name.



– See Lovedesh Hall of Angels for the sheer array of good souls, charities who have helped, support, mentor. Some are in their 70s, white men.  Some donated – some even paid money to help Amber my daughter when I could not afford to. Without them, I would not have survived.


FAKERY, FRAUD, MISSELLING – Stealing my hard-earned money and income for your dodgy services or products. Or covering up issues of fraud when I reported it.  Or sending me fake faux messages.


HARMING.  Causing distress and harm to my own health – I now have a permanent invisible disability


GHOSTING – Just going silent. Refusing to engage, respond or resolve when we reached out for you.



Enabling modern-day slavery and the neglect and death of the poorest.  On your watch.



Talking over the Rana Plaza victims and depriving them voice



Here is what we invite each of you to consider doing, to help put right the wrong done.


Hopefully, you will put right the wrong done?  By considering the invitation below to pay damages.  As well as the other suggestions.


  1. Cough Up & Be Contrite? Lovedesh is seeking to raise at least £11.36 million+ in damages, from a combination of organisations and individuals who hurt us. There is enough money for this.
  2. A Business Guarantor is needed for our retail London HQ premises in Central London W1 – a museum and fashion store. More details to follow.
  3. Say Sorry. A public apology and meeting – in person. Which we will publish on this website.
  4. Sign Up. We are asking all fashion campaigners of all ethnicities, to sign up to the Rana Plaza & Garment Workers Protocol. Until then – we ask that all fashion campaigners halt all campaigns or mentions of Bangladeshi garment workers or Rana Plaza because they and I, deem it deeply racist, stigmatising and deeply problematic. Tone-deaf and Colonialist. If any media or event seeks opinions re Rana Plaza – these must come from the victims themselves.  And Lovedesh is happy to arrange this.  As well as ensuring you use photographs to be taken by existing Bangladeshi photographers – not foreign photographers.  And whenever using an image of a dead garment worker or victims of sweatshops – a donation is made.
  5. Seek Permission. We now ask that any foreign organisation outside of Bangladesh, wishing to fundraise or create a campaign in a manner that either refers to or involves Rana Plaza community, puts forward any proposals to Lovedesh. So that the victims can consider this and give permission.
  6. Funding. Never again raise funds without the permission of Rana Plaza.
  7. Embargo Apil 24 – please do not undertake any fundraising events outside of Bangladesh – this week is now to be called #IRemember1136 and no event can occur without the involvement of Lovedesh and Rana Plaza. If you have raised funds for events in 2022 – LRPVG want them administered by Lovedesh who will involve them.





Our original plan and webinar in 2020 has been utterly hijacked and sabotaged. We invite everyone who hurt us, to join in to help in the work that I am doing to help not only the Rana Plaza victims but also the poorest and most disadvantaged factory workers. And by doing so, we are more than willing to forgive and move on from the damage that these individuals and organisations in the Lovedesh 10+ Files caused to us.


If you or your organisation wish to assist with these programmes, please get in touch. It is about time that the London fashion scene is seen to be welcoming and hosting those in the supply chain. We welcome contributions from those who are experts in the field of human resources as well as international relocation.


I am also 51.   At some point `I wish to retire or have a more peaceful life.  And therefore, as a gesture of goodwill – am sharing just some of the pioneering projects. I alone have crafted – which I hope you will support and see the value in. Because we all need to come together to rescue our planet.



  1. LOVEDESH MAISON – HQ STORE. We wish to IMMEDIATELY open a luxury fashion Museum store in Central London. To honour and remember enslaved garment workers and those who died. It will be the world’s first-ever retail concept specifically designed to protect people and planet.  We have found a WC1 address.  We need £11.36 million.  And will showcase and fast track solutions that protect people and planet.



  1. LOVEDESH ARTISAN STUDIO. This program aims to relocate as many former garment workers and hard-up talented artisans as we can, away from sweatshop factories and back to their rural villages. First – they will need to retrain, learn either face to face in London and/or online. We are due to be flying weavers, rural villagers for industrial placements/sabbaticals.  Pay them London living wage.  To help us produce Lovedesh Haute Couture as well as luxury fashion accessories.  Which we will sell in Lovedesh Maison.


We plan to establish demonstration space in-store, at Lovedesh Maison so consumers can meet them.  This visit to London will provide mentoring and training placements for talented yet disadvantaged artisans, factory workers. Working on sustainability solutions and artisanal handicraft items for Lovedesh. We already have artisans from Kashmir, Palestine, Bangladesh and many more nations on standby.


We then return them to their home nation. And will use funds raised for flights, accommodation and wages.


Upon returning them to their homeland we know they can help boost the incomes of others, they will be supported by teams at Amcariza Foundation. And slowly establish themselves within their local economy.  And be empowered business owners supplying Lovedesh.


We are also working in rural areas to reach the hardest-hit poor communities both in the UK (Lowestoft, Bradford, Cornwall), West and Central Africa and Global South.



  1. RANA PLAZA TRUST FUNDS. We will set up trust funds for the children or next of kin – of the Rana Plaza workers who were killed – who should have benefited from the income Lovedesh was due to earn. As well as the income being earned by fashion campaigners who hosted events around Rana Plaza. We also ask for an additional 11.36% of all revenue earned by any fashion campaign organisation that excluded the involvement of `Rana Plaza Victims Group to be paid into Lovedesh Compensation Fund.  So, we can fund “Grassroots Fashion Tour”.  See below


  1. LOVEDESH GRASSROOTS TOUR. We plan to fly in some of the members of the Lovedesh Rana Plaza Victims Group, garment workers and artisans to attend – online – with some flown in, if possible, to go on a world tour to help find solutions to fast fashion and climate change – and attend high profile events such as global fashion weeks to Davos as well as COP26. They will also ideally be meeting to educate consumers and brands such as Boohoo, Pretty Little Thing, Misguided – as well as the luxury fashion houses running sweatshops ( we see you Christian Dior). 


With our help, and that of qualified medical professionals and doctors their world tour will ensure their voices are heard.  Covid permitting of course.


First up? We plan to open and host a tiny event for London Fashion Week, September 16 2021.

Also, to get them to attend Cannes, Oscars, BAFTAS and more – because there can be no fashion event now, now Climate Change event – without the involvement of the grassroots, who are or have been enslaved – or relatives of those who died making it.




  1. LOVEDESH FILMS. To ensure narrative and point of view from diverse voices within the UK, Global South and nations in Africa. From the global supply chain and POV narrative. Either they work with Lovedesh – their story needs to be told directly – or their story is one which the world needs to hear. For example, we wish to help produce Rana Plaza Victims & Garment Workers to create a compelling, inspiring narrative that charts their journey to leave behind the tragedy. And to embark on a new life that follows their attempts to get medically treated, as well as to establish a permanent livelihood that hopefully provide income from Lovedesh profits.


We also wish to fund a Rwandan film team that employs many women to create their film Roots of Forgiveness films. We are due to launch a film where they discuss what has happened during the Genocide. Again this project was impacted.  And much damage was done.


RSVP – if you wish to help support the making of their story, without any strings, please get in touch. As am already due to start talks with producers and others. If your organisation or anyone else you know of, may be interested in supporting, feel free to connect please?



  1. ATELIER & MERCH For London Living Wages / Profit Share.

Funding our fashion ranges Valise, Merch, MintVint – that will be sweatshop-free merch or contribute to a Circular Economy. And raise funds for our haute couture line.


As Lovedesh is a luxury company, we are able to charge higher premium prices for some of the products that we have created, which will be used to fund the projects we wish to deliver, in order to help us protect our planet. And pay sweatshop-free wages.


This includes the Lovedesh – Tee I & II series – As well as a Lovedesh Atelier studio where we hope to engage and mentor and train up skilled artisans from Asia and Africa. So that eventually all workers can be paid London living wage. And attend our workshop in London to be trained up.


Lovedesh Tees  Series I & Series II

We were due to be selling as Lovedesh Tees Series I, limited edition, with all production to cease at 11:36 pm GMT on the 24th of April.  Due to the disruption and damage caused to us since 2019, to Lovedesh Tee Series I, we have had to revise our plans to 2022.


  1. 24.04.2022 Rana Plaza Lovedesh IRemember1136 POPP Fest

#ShutUpForRana Savar, Bangladesh.

Try to create a “#IRemember1136” Garden Of Peace in the current site of the Rana Plaza. We plan to host a one-minute silence around the world from cities ranging from Dhaka, Tokyo, Dubai, Brussels, London, New York etc. And to have some of the biggest music acts.


And host a global concert on 24 April 2022.  This is a huge plan – and we are currently in talks with major stakeholders. We ask everyone to instead join us as we plan Lovedesh POPP* Fest – #ShutUpForRanaPlaza from April 24 – 27, 2021 – – a 4-day global festival that marks the tragedy in collaboration with the victims – and that all fashion campaigners get under this campaign.


We are also planning a business symposium is as well as literary, theatre and spoken word performances. In an attempt to honour the victims of Rana Plaza.



  1. MEDICAL TREATMENT – Rana Plaza Victims needs urgent medical assistance – from prosthetic limbs to paying off their debts to combating PTSD. To therapy for the trauma. We plan to slowly reach every victim at Rana Plaza & Tazreen factory fire.


We also plan to introduce garment workers to the arts.  As well as to art and design.


Pop*Fest Kids4XmasKids By Hate 2 Love Collective


I am hoping that as Christmas is the season of goodwill to extend compassion to ask each of you – from the organisations who hurt us, and instead begin working with us to help mark the annual anniversary of the tragedy in a new way.  So we can stop the hurt. And to ensure you do right the wrong done. And then we can all smile and be happy.


I’m very pleased to announce a second Christmas show that Lovedesh is sponsoring.  Given we set up Hate 2 Love Collective – a not for profit theatre show – that aims to create wellbeing and laughter – theatre for the broken-hearted.


The flyer from 2021 is below. Which featured opening keynote speech by Dan Biddle – the survivor of the 7/7 terror attack, Ivan Humble a former Far-Right turned Peace Activist and three British kids – all of whom stepped in to help me.  After yet another horrific attack undertaken by greedy, horrid cohort of British adult performers who bullied and hijacked my show – after I raised ethical concerns and safeguarding issues.


The online tickets will be priced £11.36.  For online.  While the offline ticket prices will be £36.11. The show was designed to help fund gifts for children in Africa, Asia and UK -who are in crisis during Christmas.  As well as foster talent from hard-up kids and adults unable to access arts training.  And get them to perform.







Lovedesh POPP e-zine

With the help of jobless garment workers and victims of modern-day slavery, we are launching a new FREE magazine to feature ethical luxury fashion and beauty trends and innovations. As well as pioneering tech solutions that will help protect our people and planet. Be like Vogue and feature VIPs and celebrities.   It will be directed at consumers as well as the business sectors that cover fashion, food and travel retail and wholesale trade. And curated by the Garment workers led by guest editorial team who will volunteer.


We wish to publish this as a supplement online – without having to rely on any advertisements. As we now realise that often there is a conflict of interest editorially when having to hold rich brands or organisations to account. I am inviting anyone to provide opinion pieces and articles for free.  And we will never take payment. Nor feature any adverts. Nor ad or PR sponsorship. As we do not wish for Rana Plaza victims to be beholden to anyone.  And we will ask that each month – we find a key stakeholder to help us produce it.  (Vogue – feel free to get in touch as to date not one of your journalists have found any value in the pioneering work that Lovedesh has been doing – and Rana Plaza are most upset at you have consistently featured voices of privilege to talk on their behalf).


BTW.  We will feature many Lovedesh products in this online publication in order to then use profits to help pay the Rana Plaza. victims and survivors for their collaboration. As well as feature for free – upcoming designers – who are not being given a chance by London Fashion Week as we know how white-centric and non-diverse this event remains breadcrumbing ethnic or working-class talent with the odd nod.


RSVP – We now wish to appoint an editorial panel – if you would like your organisation to be considered, please let us know?



  1. PROJECTS FOR GOOD – these include funding climate change projects and projects to combat poverty in UK and abroad. Building a surfing school for girls in Bangladesh to resurrecting extinct fabric Dhaka Muslin.


And have been working on developing the following solutions for the past year.



  1. Rana Plaza Victims & Garment Workers Webinar 11.36am Date TBC

The Rana Plaza victims are also keen to engage in conversation via Lovedesh hosted webinar where I plan to help outline some of the solutions for the fashion sector.


They desire a meeting with all CEOs and foreign senior stakeholders (outside of Bangladesh) in the global fashion sector.  Lovedesh is inviting everyone to attend the webinar. With the date to be confirmed.  We will then sell tickets with all profits to be donated to the Rana Plaza. victim and survivors’ group. So that they can continue to mobilise and get funded. We hope for all such funds to be managed by volunteer trustees. If anyone wishes to offer their time or services, please feel free to get in touch with me.


We believe this webinar will be the first of its kind to ever platform and promote the voices of grassroots.






We have no intention of taking this to court. We don’t want to pay legal fees.  Nor ask the hardworking public to crowdfund our fees.


The compensation amount can be paid into our crowd funder below. So the public can see the evidence.



Lovedesh and the communities it serves, decline to sign any nondisclosure agreement. As we seek protection under the UN Declaration for Human Rights Defenders.


Articles 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12 and 13 of the Declaration provide specific protections to human rights defenders, All of which can be found here.


In particular, I wish to draw your attention to the following paragraphs

  • To seek the protection and realisation of human rights at the national and international levels;
  • To conduct human rights work individually and in association with others;
  • To form associations and non-governmental organisations;
  • To meet or assemble peacefully;
  • To seek, obtain, receive and hold information relating to human rights;
  • To make complaints about official policies and acts relating to human rights and to have such complaints reviewed;



We will also be seeking support from our own British Govt – especially the Foreign Office as well as Prime Minister Boris Johnson – who will be sent a copy of the Lovedesh 10+ files to ask how he plans to help protect whistle-blowers and human rights, defenders. And to prevent political parties from gagging and paying off employees who whistleblew.


Should any of you mentioned in the Lovedesh Hall Of Horrors seek to issue legal threats to try and gag me or Lovedesh, then we are poised to launch a crowdfunding campaign. And are being backed by Rana Plaza victims who have personally told me this “anyone who harms Lovedesh also harms us and we will fight to protect not only the work Yasmin is doing to support and protect us.”


We will also advise you that should you do so, we will ask our legal teams to present this open letter to any court or judge and involve witnesses from your organisations.  In order to demonstrate how some of you continued to benefit financially and continue to establish their credentials in “fighting for” human rights, when in fact we possess evidence to show many have in fact ended up doing the opposite.  And harmed human rights movement and campaigns.



Who else?

As you can see.


You are not the only ones.  Every and any individual and organisation who has ever stolen from Lovedesh, or hurt or prevented us from delivering our human rights work, has been sent a link to this letter.



Many feel it is in the interest of the public to understand the extent to which well-known celebrities and organisations hurt and damage the human rights work undertaken by Lovedesh and me as a CEO – a female entrepreneur.  Especially a woman of colour and a single parent. Who has been left having to handle an invisible disability.


This is because Lovedesh attempted to solve this privately. But of course, we got nowhere.  Now time is of the essence and we are also not expecting you to make any financial gesture.  And also want to bring to the public’s attention the damage and destruction done to Lovedesh. And how behind-the-scenes, some organisations are using individuals particularly those from ethnic minorities to actually harm their own communities.


After George Floyd, the pandemic, the world is a very different place today. The public is no longer tolerant of those who trample over the poorest. And I sat down today to collect compensation because despite all my hard work to let it all go – I find Lovedesh in crisis.


And I spent time during the pandemic understanding this.  That had even 5% of you, who have hurt the workload chosen to do done the right thing, say sorry – this letter may not have even been needed to have been written. And Lovedesh could have continued on with its hard work.  We just could not.


Gesture of Goodwill

Under no circumstances do I, nor Lovedesh Rana Plaza victims group wish to cause any of you distress or harm.

That is not our intention.

We want you to flourish. We want you to do well. But it should never have been done at the expense of the work I was doing at Lovedesh for the world’s poorest.

All Lovedesh seeks now, is please put right the wrong done. That is a very reasonable request. Because it’s not okay for you to get away with what you have done to me to Lovedesh. And LRPVG.


To show how open and compassionate we wish to be, towards our transgressors, here is a series of gestures.


  • We will not seek any further compensation – and are more than happy to have legal papers drawn up to confirm this.


  • Lovedesh would be delighted to invite 1 representative to the store opening – should this be achieved.


  • We are happy to forgive each of you for the wrong done. Once you show evidence you are genuine and sincere. And received that which we have asked for.


  • To again invite you one day – to join in and support the work we do. Get stuck in – but of course, this will be at our discretion.  And only after rigorous ethical training undertaken at the Lovedesh Academy.





This is an invitation for you all, to do the right thing.


If you happen to think the amount of compensation we are seeking is too much, please provide an explanation?  And justification?  As we think this is very reasonable due to the evidence presented and the communities we represent.


Because you all did end up bullying me, a humanitarian.  A broke single mother.


You trampled over me, my dreams and the work I had done for the world’s poorest.  And there have to be consequences for the actions and horrific treatment by many unethical individuals, organisations who should’ve known better, the work has been delayed, harmed and damaged.


I also wish to show our intention was and is not to defame nor to hurt and damage. We do not wish anyone to be bullied, hurt or even lose their livelihoods. Nor vigilantism.  And anyone seeking to slander or hurt you – we will do all we can to ensure your protection.  And that it will not be in our names.


Humans make mistakes because they often allow themselves to become part of processes and policies which are not designed to protect our planet but in fact uphold and assist individual agendas, greed and status.


And I hope that by publishing damning evidence against you all, especially campaigners, charities – this is further proof of how even the most robust and guerrilla activism in the case of XR, can fall foul to lone wolves operating in a system that allows them to have the power to hurt the weakest in society.



My daughter and I spent more than 10 years exploring the root causes of poverty. We have found solutions. She started when she was 7.  We have suffered hardship, homelessness.  Every penny has been spent rescuing Lovedesh – despite the enormous attacks.  It is unacceptable me and her and the people we work with suffered so much.


What you did was heart-breaking.  And I will never be able to see the smiles of the poorest folks who have died since they collaborated with Lovedesh.


Life is short.  Think of your legacy?  Surely you did not undertake all your hard work and talent only for Lovedesh to have written you a letter such as this?


Should you wish to ignore, or even attempt to take this to court.  Feel free.  Sue Lovedesh.  I am that sick of greed and corruption. And we have already instructed our small but loyal community of followers, to help us fund a Crowdfunding Campaign.  The victims of Rana Plaza will then protest on the streets of Bangladesh.


We don’t want that. Nor do you. So please just do the right thing?


Thank you.


Yours sincerely


Yasmin Choudhury

CEO of Lovedesh & Lovedesh Rana Plaza Victims Group (LRPVG)







A video link is being posted here soon. On why the people below need to be banned from setting foot in Ali Nagor.  And why I plan to report them to Bangladeshi Police. And to ensure the entire world knows how they colluded to destroy Lovedesh and all my charitable works in 2015.


My immediate family

Enamul Haque Choudhury (Enam) – British Bangladeshi citizen

Nazmin Choudhury – British Bangladeshi citizen NC Law

Jasmin Choudhury – British Bangladeshi citizen, Advisor to Met Police and former Trustee of Gingerbread.

Naz Choudhury – British citizen and solicitor of NC Law

Nazrin Choudhury – US Resident & Screenwriter

Rima Rouf Founder of ChitChat Pans – Wife Of Nazmul Choudhury – former BBC Producer.


Assisted by

Jahangir Chowdhury (Javed)

Faisal Ahmed Chowdhury  – of Baraka Power (this company has done no wrong)

Fahim Ahmed Chowdhury of Barak Power

Saleh Ahmed Khasru – BNP Politician

+  Rushi Ahmed Chowdhury – wife of Faisal Ahmed Choudhury



(In Alphabetical Order)

Fashion Campaigners/Media

– Academy Awards

–  Aja Barber

– Apparel Insider – Brett Matthews

– Awaj Foundation – Nazma Akthar & Shimmie Technology Sarah Krasley, Founder & CEO

– Aiden Wicker Of Eco Cult

Ayesha Barenblaat of Remake Our World

British Fashion Council  – London Fashion Week

– Common Objective Tamsin Lejeune

– Clean Clothes Campaign P25 – Board Members

– Drapers Record

–   Ellen Macarthur Foundation

– Extinction Rebellion – Tim Crosland, Plan B and Alanna Byrne for Extinction Rebellion (XR)  & Their Stella McCartney Collaboration.

– Fairwear Foundation, EU

Fashion Revolution Orsola Di Castro 

–  Forbes

– Justice in Fashion – Sharon Benning-Prince & Marje De Roos

– July Fashion (TBC)

Laudes Foundation – Leslie Johnson & Jill Tucker

No Sweat 

–  Oh So Ethical 

–  Oxfam Fashion Campaign Division – Second Hand September

– People Tree – Safia Minney

– RCGD – Suzy Cameron and Samata Pattinson of Red Carpet Green Dress

RCGD CEO Samata Pattinson

RSA – Royal Society Of Arts

– Sourcing JournalJasmine Malik Chua https://twitter.com/jasminchua

– Slave Free Trade

–   Slow Fashion Movement




– Academy Awards


-Former Cast & Crew of Hate 2 Love Colletive – Xmas Panto Mother Goose

–   Oscars



Love Productions (now owned by Sky Ventures?)

Anne Kibel Management

Nadya Hussain OBE*

– Love Productions Stealing programme ideas from Lovedesh for Chronicles of Nadiya Hussain

– Refusing to honour moral rights and engaging law firms – an intimidating and menacing act

 *We want to clarify that we have never had any direct contact with Nadiya Hussain – however, we would like evidence that she was not made aware of the dispute that Lovedesh was in with Love Productions. And that her agent Anne Kibel sent an email to endorse their actions towards the harm done to Lovedesh.


We will also be reaching out to BBC Two (who commissioned the programme) as well as Sky Ventures – whom I believe now own Love Productions.


As well as Channel 4 who transmit the Great British Bake Off (GBBO) – to explain that Lovedesh is in a public dispute with the above.  And that we operate without fear or favour and it’s not okay for broadcasters to be complicit with others who have hurt and damaged Lovedesh.



Federal Party Of The Liberal Democrats

Baroness Sal Brinton

Baroness Parminter

MP Sarah Olney Richmond Park

Candy Piercy

Shaun Roberts

Jo Swinson

Mark Pack

CEO Mark Dixon

LDCRE – Liberal Democrats Commission For Racial Equality

Councillor Humaira Ali, Southwark

Councillor Hina Bokhari – Merton

Dr Mohsin Khan – he was on the internal panel that got me sacked.

Nasser Butt – Lib Dem Muslim Forum 



Shadow Home Minister Nick Thomas Symonds

– Labour Women’s conference – question to assembly.

– Ethnic Labour MPs

MP Steve Reed – he has blocked me. 

Murad Qureshi – former London Assembly Member


Merton Council

Mark Allison

Cllr Natasha Irons

Zak Dada – Merton Mutual Aid



Indy Voices & The Independent – UK

New York Times – Elizabeth Paton

Brooke Taylor Islam (via Randall Lane – Forbes Business editor).

Anders Melin – Bloomberg

Nadine White – Independent https://twitter.com/Nadine_Writes?s=20




– Metropolitan Police – Croydon Police & – Brixton Police

– Mayor Of London – Sadiq Khan

– Shaw Trust

– Schools – Ricards lodge School Governors




– Bangladesh Ali Nagor Chairman Mamun, Beani Bazaarm Bangladesh

– Aladin Aladin

– Oh So Ethical – see fashion



Crowdfunding Platforms

CEO of Tim Cadogan Go Fund Me (re Shimmy Tech Crowdfunder)

CEO Jerry Needel, Just Giving UK


Banks & Financial Institutions

Barclays – leadership Team

Metro Bank

Post Office – Bank Of Ireland

X- Debt



– Airbnb (2011)

– Barclays (1997-2002)

– Monster – 2010 (not the current leadership)

– McArthurGlen & C and C Search (2018)


Legal firms/Barristers

– NC Law

– Aina Khan & Her Deputy

-Eddie Monioro-Less, Monioro Less Solicitors

-Barker Gottlee

– Paul Stanislas, Barrister

– Pattinson Brewer

– Shuba Nath

– SRA-

Bar Standards Board




Apple London

British Gas

Bristow & Sutor

Haarts Estate Agency





Trade Unions & Not For Profits


– Prospect Trade Union – CEO Mike Clancy






Dress For Success

– Charities Commission

Chair Simon Bentley, Board & Staff of Gingerbread

– St Mungo’s

National Zakat Foundation CEO

Muslim Council Of Britain

–  MWN (Muslim Women’s Network)

– Just Giving

– Go Fund Me

Nia Project

– Victim Support

Surviving Economic Abuse